Thanksgiving is all about being together as a family and embracing the people around you. So, taking the time out of your day to spend with your children is important. To make this time of the day fun and a true bonding experience, crafts are one of the best activities! To make it even better, the crafts listed below are perfect for Thanksgiving and are super unique decor that is a constant reminder of your children.

1. Turkey Hand Cutout

One of the most popular Thanksgiving crafts is a turkey cutout. One of the reasons this craft is so well known is not only because of how easy it is, but also how fun it can be. You start with piece of any colored construction paper. Have your child place their hand on the paper and then trace the shape of their hand with a pencil. It they need assistance, you can have them hold their own hand in place while you trace. Once that is done, your child may color in the finger feathers on the turkey in any way they'd like. Another thing they can do is write 5 things they are grateful for on each finger feather. Finally, cut out the shape of the hand and then you're done! You can frame this or hang it up anywhere you'd like. 

2. Paper Pumpkin

To make a paper pumpkin, you will need orange and green construction paper, a marker, a stapler, and scissors. First, begin by cutting up 1.5 inch thick pieces of the orange paper (about 6-7 inches long). One each sliver of paper, have your child write different things they are grateful for. Then, arrange them facing down in a shape similar to an asterisk. Then, staple the center of the papers together and pull the opposite ends together. Bring them to the shape of a pumpkin and staple. Cut the green paper in the shape of leaves and a stem, place on top with the stapler, and that's it! This can be placed on the mantle or as a part of a centerpiece. 

3. Paper Plate Turkey

Another cute turkey craft is made from just a paper plate and construction paper! This craft is super easy and quick to assemble. All you need to do is have your child color the top of a white paper plate with a brown crayon, marker, or colored pencil. Then, they can draw on eyes, a beak, and wattle. You can also get googley eyes from a craft store and use those. With the construction paper, cut them into large teardrop shapes (multicolored) and then glue them to the back of the paper so it looks like large feathers sticking out. This is a silly craft that displays your child's crafting talent and can be kept in the family for years to look back on. 

4.  Coffee Filter Turkeys

For this pumpkin craft, you will need a clothes pin, coffee filters, googley eyes, glue, markers, and construction paper. Begin by having your child color the coffee filters with warmer toned markers such as brown, orange, and yellow. Then, fold the colored in coffee filter in half gently. While it is folded, grab your clothes pin and pin the middle of the fold. Glue on the eyes and cut up a beak and wattle from construction paper. And that's it! Now you can display this creative craft around your house and your child will, for sure, be proud of it!

October 28, 2022 — Emma Swain

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