Winter strolls can be delightful for both you and your baby, buts ensuring their safety is paramount in chilly weather. From dressing your little one weather-appropriately, to being mindful of environmental factors, this guide will provide you with valuable insights into keeping your baby warm and secure during cold-weather walks. 

Layers! Layers! Layers!

Begin by layering your baby's clothing to trap warmth effectively. A base layer of moisture-wicking fabric is essential to keep perspiration away from the skin. Add an insulating layer for warmth, and top it off with a waterproof and windproof outer layer to shield against the elements. Don't forget a hat and mittens to protect the extremities. Find some great layers on our website such as Kyte Baby Sleeping Bags and Footies and our adorable and soft blankets



Monitor the Temperature

Always check your weather app before heading out. Infants are more susceptible to cold temperatures, so avoid taking your baby out if the wind chill is too severe or if the temperature drops below a certain threshold. Use your judgement, and be aware that infants use heat more rapidly than adults. 


Use a Stroller Blanket or Cover

Invest in a cozy stroller blanket or cover to shield your baby from cold winds. Ensure that it doesn't interfere with proper air circulation in the stroller. A breathable cover will seep your baby arm without competing their safety. Find some great layers on our website such as our adorable and soft blankets! You can also find our UPPAbaby Cozy Ganoosh Stroller Covers!



Shield from the Sun

Winter sun can be deceiving, and harmful UV rays still penetrate through clouds. Apply a baby-friendly sunscreen to exposed areas of your baby's skin, and use a stroller with a built-in sunshade or attach one to protect them from direct sunlight. 


Choose the Right Stroller

Opt for a stroller with a weather-resistant canopy and good suspension to navigate uneven winter terrain smoothly. Larger wheel so provide better stability in snow, while an adjustable handlebar ensures your comfort during walks.



Timing Matters

Plan your walks during the warmer parts of the day, typically late morning or early afternoon. This minimizes exposure to colder temperatures and reduces the risk of encountering icy surfaces. Be mindful of the duration, keeping walks short during extremely cold days.  


Keep Baby Hydrated

Cold air can be dehydrating, so ensure your baby stays hydrated by offering them a bottle before and after your walk. If breastfeeding, nurse your baby just before heading out. Avoid over-bundling to prevent overheating.


Check for Overheating

While it's crucial to keep your baby warm, be vigilant for signs of overheating. Check for dampness on their back or neck, and feel their hands and feet regularly. Adjust layers accordingly to maintain a comfortable body temperature. 


Stay Informed About Health

Ensure your baby is in good health before embarking on a winter walk. Cold weather can exacerbate respiratory issues, so be extra cautious if your baby has a cold or respiratory condition. Consult with your pediatrician if you have concerns. 


Be Prepared for Emergencies

Carry a well-equipped diaper bag, including extra layers, blankets, and essential baby care items. Familiarize yourself with nearby shelters or warm places in case the weather takes an unexpected turn. 

November 27, 2023 — Emma Swain

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