Dream Nursery Blog Post #2: Colors, Colors, Colors
The dream nursery process is in full swing! Which comes first? Paint color? Crib furniture color? Crib bedding color? These are the questions that Rachel and Chad were wrestling with the past few weeks. They looked online for some cribs, then shopped at a few local stores, including Babies R Us (their area doesn’t have a Buy Buy Baby) and a few furniture boutiques. They found a creamy white crib they really liked, but then, while shopping online, they found the Restoration Hardware line of cribs and fell in love. So, for Rachel and Chad, the crib furniture was the starting point. We recommend selecting your crib furniture before selecting paint colors. It is so much easier to match a paint color to the crib furniture that you select.
Since the room is small, Rachel is hoping to feature an accent wall with paint. Our advice was to select the fabrics (nursery crib bedding) next, since matching a paint color with the bedding is so much easier that way. Once the nursery fabrics have been chosen, there are a myriad of options for paint colors. We love Benjamin Moore paints and have their color collections in our workspace for customers to review.
Below, the future nursery, which was formerly an office.

You can see little Ace, their son, standing at the desk in the future nursery!
So, the crib arrived this week! It was a pretty exciting day. Chad and Rachel selected the “Bellina arched panel conversion crib” in Vintage Gray, and Chad, with the help of Ace, put it together. With the room cleaned out, the transformation from office to baby nursery is starting to take shape.

Chad and Ace putting the Restoration Hardware crib together. You can see the matching dresser in the photo on the right.
Next, Rachel and her mom came to visit us at Liz and Roo last week (she lives about an hour away, luckily, so we got to meet in person) and starting pouring through fabrics. Both Rachel and her mom are in love with florals, and Rachel took home some samples to show her husband.
She selected a floral with blush pink, cream, and a little green. The colors blend so well with the gray RH crib they selected. Rachel and her mom, Carmen, ended up walking through our stock room looking for inspiration. Since the Liz and Roo stockroom is home to about 200 different products, from baby pillows to crib skirts to blankets to changing pad covers and more, they had a lot of fun pulling different designs and patterns and creating a custom look for their baby girl’s nursery.

With the crib selection done and the fabrics checked off, both Rachel and her mom left. They were two happy campers! Rachel has about 15 weeks to go until her due date, and she has plenty of time to work on the nursery. Things are moving on schedule!