Is your baby or toddler having trouble going to sleep at night? Fussing at nap time? Waking constantly? You’re not alone. This is a common problem most all new parents have dealt with. Our firstborn did not sleep through the night for two years. Of course, that was my problem, since I got up every time she cried and rocked her half the night. But, she didn’t have a “Lovey”, or security blanket, to give her that sense of security as she tried to soothe herself to sleep.

A lovey is a small personal security blanket that your baby or toddler will quickly become used to. It’s his or her “go to” blanket and something they can’t part with. In fact, you’d better buy two, because you always need that back up in case the first one is misplaced! The typical security blanket, or Lovey, is 15×15 square. Yes, that’s a tiny blanket, but it’s for a tiny person.  Little Roo LoveyThey need to feel it’s theirs and it quickly becomes THE transitional piece as you go back to work after maternity leave, travel, or when your baby or toddler spends the weekend at the grandparents’ (while you take that much needed weekend out of town). The Lovey gives them a sense of security that helps them through the stress of separation, helps soothe them, and thus …. helps them SLEEP. It will become the blanket they can’t part with. Liz and Roo’s Little Roo Lovey has a satin patch with an embroidered Kangaroo that babies and toddlers love to touch and caress. Touch is so important at this age, and the feel of real satin, luxe, soft, plush minky (faux fur) and the puffy Kangaroo “patch” all combine to make a soothing experience for your baby or toddler.

So, if your baby isn’t napping well, sleeping well, or transitioning easily to changes, try a Little Roo Lovey and see what Love really means! We recently found a great blog by Popsugar on “When to give up a Lovey”. Read their advice on this topic here. It’s a great article!





February 16, 2015 — makespace

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