Sleep Safety Tips For Newborns

- Do not overheat a baby. If you are comfortable in light clothing, the baby will be too. Keep the room temperature at a comfortable setting for you.
- If your baby does require an extra layer for warmth, dress him/her in layers such as a onesie and a footed sleeper, or use a sleep sac over their clothing. Blankets should not be used in the bed for warmth.
- Keep a baby away from cigarette smoke, including e-cigarettes. This is a good time to make your home and car smoke free.
- A baby should never sleep in a car seat, swing, infant seat, adult bed, couch or chair, or any other item not designated for infant sleep.
- Provide “Tummy Time” for the baby every day, while they are awake and an adult is watching. This helps with muscle development.
- Be Aware, not Impaired. Drinking or drug use, even use of prescription drugs, can impair your ability to parent and increase the danger of SIDS for your baby. Always follow the ABC’s (alone, on their back, in a crib) to keep your baby safe.
- Always follow the ABC’s of Safe Sleep for your baby. If your baby won’t sleep and cries continuously:
- Check to see if your baby is hungry, tired or needs changing
- Cuddle the baby in your arms
- Walk and sing with your baby
- Take your baby outside for a walk (weather permitting)
- Give your baby a warm bath
- Call a friend or family member to come watch the baby
- Talk to your baby’s doctor
- Never, never shake a baby
Remember: Babies rely totally on adults for their safe care. A baby may not stop crying no matter what you try. No matter how frustrated you get, NEVER shake a baby. If you need to take time to calm yourself, place your baby in a safe sleep space (alone, on their back and in their crib) and check on them every 15 minutes.
For more information on Safe Sleep Kentucky, please visit their website at or the national Safe to Sleep Campaign at